Community Emergency Hub
What is this?
Your Community Emergency Hub (CEH) are volunteers who are organizing in advance for when an emergency/disaster happens.
Why not Map Your Neighborhood (MYN)?
This is similar and is a start in the right direction. CEH just broadens the concept and includes a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) approach as well.
Go to this link: Chapters_List
Why should I and my neighborhood do this?
By preparing ahead of time, not only are you prepared, so are your neighbors. In a disaster, both the typical First Responders, the fire and police departments, are in the same situation everyone is in. Neighbors are most often First Responders and by being prepared ahead of time, you and your neighbors will be able to do the most good. Working together as a team provides safety, and a better outcome for everyone involved.
Go to this link: Community_Response_Planning
Where to begin?
The section to start with first is Chapter 5 from the New Zealand Community Emergency Hub Guide.
Go to this link: Begin_Here
Excerpted -
Community Emergency Hub
This Hub is a place for the community to coordinate your efforts to help each other during and after a disaster.
Objectives of the Community Emergency Hub
are to:
› Provide information so that your community knows how to help each other and stay safe.
› Understand what is happening.
› Solve problems using what your community has available.
› Provide a safe gathering place for members of the community to support one another.
About this guide
This guide provides information to help you set up and run the Community Emergency Hub. Take the time you need to set the Hub up properly, you don’t have to open until you are ready.
Hub objectives and the wider response
Facility map
Accessing the Hub
Getting into the Hub safely and finding equipment
Working as a team
Getting organized and choosing roles
Setting up
How to make best use of the space you have
Before you open
Making sure everyone understands what you are here to do
Your community’s response
Local ideas and solutions for challenges you may face
Thinking about recovery
Considerations for your community for the future
from -
Community Emergency Hub
Your Community Emergency Hub (CEH) are volunteers who are organizing in advance for when an emergency/disaster happens.
Why not Map Your Neighborhood (MYN)?
This is similar and is a start in the right direction. CEH just broadens the concept and includes a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) approach as well.
Go to this link: Chapters_List
Why should I and my neighborhood do this?
By preparing ahead of time, not only are you prepared, so are your neighbors. In a disaster, both the typical First Responders, the fire and police departments, are in the same situation everyone is in. Neighbors are most often First Responders and by being prepared ahead of time, you and your neighbors will be able to do the most good. Working together as a team provides safety, and a better outcome for everyone involved.
Go to this link: Community_Response_Planning
Where to begin?
The section to start with first is Chapter 5 from the New Zealand Community Emergency Hub Guide.
Go to this link: Begin_Here
Excerpted -
Community Emergency Hub
This Hub is a place for the community to coordinate your efforts to help each other during and after a disaster.
Objectives of the Community Emergency Hub
are to:
› Provide information so that your community knows how to help each other and stay safe.
› Understand what is happening.
› Solve problems using what your community has available.
› Provide a safe gathering place for members of the community to support one another.
About this guide
This guide provides information to help you set up and run the Community Emergency Hub. Take the time you need to set the Hub up properly, you don’t have to open until you are ready.
Hub objectives and the wider response
Facility map
Accessing the Hub
Getting into the Hub safely and finding equipment
Working as a team
Getting organized and choosing roles
Setting up
How to make best use of the space you have
Before you open
Making sure everyone understands what you are here to do
Your community’s response
Local ideas and solutions for challenges you may face
Thinking about recovery
Considerations for your community for the future
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Community Emergency Hub